Russian fish-party on Mjøsa

3 x Alexander (the boss to the right), Mikhail and Jonas (organizator in the middle).
Four guys from Russia and one from Lithuania joined me on Mjøsa today. We caught three trout, the biggest one was a 2.5 kg beauty.
Disse kara var på forretningsbesøk hos Norsvin på Hamar for å diskutere svineavl. Da passer det godt med en tur i vakre omgivelser på Mjøsa der man kan se idylliske landbrukseiendommer sno seg mellom skog og tettbygde strøk. Dimmensjonene i Norge er små i forhold til i Russland, men Norge høster anerkjennelse for sitt avlsarbeid og vi er heldige å ha flere bedrifter her i regionen som drar disse prosessene videre.
We started up at 9 o’clock at the Skibladner marina in Hamar. The weather was nice and the guis were happy. After cuising for about 15 min we put our gear out at the west side of the strait between Helgøya and Nes. Before we got all our four lures into the water the first trout took a wobbler in the surface. This one was about 45 cm and was released.
After a couple of hours with no action we got a strike on the downrigger 45 feet down into the water. This was a nice fish, 2.5 kg, in beatiful shape. This was celebrated with russion sausage and their very own brand of vodka of course. The last fish was a small feeder striking at the shallow part on the way back towards Hamar.
We hope you enjoined your day fishing with us and hope to see you again.
Regards, Atle